About Me

I am a freelance audio engineer and technology specialist. I always feel a bit strange talking about myself - it feels a bit 'self promotion-y' but I guess that is what a website for a sole trader is all about.

So I've decided to just do this in dot points, just a few highlights that may be relevant to who I am and where I am today.

  • I grew up in country Victoria and moved to Melbourne in the early 1990s.
  • I have worked as a broadcaster, trainer and producer in community radio since I was in year 10, so mainly at PBS and 3RRR Melbourne.
  • I worked as a computer trainer teaching people who are blind or vision impaired to use assistive technology, starting in 1998.
  • I worked as a manager in the audio production unit of Vision Australia where we made audio books/magazines for the audio library.
  • I worked at Guide Dogs Victoria for a couple of years doing assistive technology support/training again.
  • and I have worked as a freelance audio producer through Audiocraft (my agency) since 2019 producing many podcasts. I am one of those names you hear at the end of podcasts, something like 'mixed by' or 'our sound engineer is'.
  • I have a black Labrador and a small child

So is that all you wanted to know? Probably far too much but it gives a picture of who I am, where I'm from, and how I ended up doing what I do.

This site will continue to be a source of information, news and tips - it won't be Glen just talking about himself... who would want to read that!!

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